Please Sign Our Guest Book

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  Name : Josh Smith
Web Site :
Country : USA
How you found us : Instagram
Comments :
Date : 25-May-23

  Name : Brenda
Web Site : http://instagram
Country : Australia
How you found us : Follow your page
Comments : Beautiful pups always a pleasure to see them
Date : 20-May-23

  Name : Bernice Phillips
Web Site :
Country : Miami, FL United States
How you found us : IG
Comments : Your frenchies are beautiful I love mine to death.
Date : 17-Apr-23

  Name : Naomi
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Facebook
Comments : Gorgeous Frenchies! Our Scarlett is Ralph's daughter.
Date : 10-Apr-20

  Name : Sophie
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Friend
Comments : I am wanting to organise a French Bulldog for my partners 21st birthday. he is coming out of the army in March next year and i am hoping to give him a card saying that i have paid for deposit for his French Bulldog and that one is on the way. His birthday is in June this year and we will not be requiring the Frenchie until after March next year. He has gone on and on about Frenchies the whole time i have known him 5 years and a little Frenchie will be the perfect edition to our family and other pup. Please get back to me to let me know if this is a possibility
Date : 8-Mar-20

  Name : Silpot
Web Site : http://
Country : Poland
How you found us : Google
Comments : Your Frenchie are beautiful!!! Greetings from Europe!
Date : 28-Jun-19

  Name : Shani Duncan
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Instagram
Comments : Great Insta page, gorgeous dogs.
Date : 7-Jun-19

  Name : Fran Hiansworth
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Instagram and Facebook
Comments : Beautiful dogs. Ethical breeder. Best combination.
Date : 27-Oct-18

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Contact Details

Christine Smith

📧 [email protected]

Perth Western Australia